Photos ©Copyright Details West 2021
This page contains model photos with modeling and prototype information for detailing Athearn's AC4400CW's using Details West detail kits and parts.
(Click on Photo to Enlarge)
CSX 500 Class AC4400CW modeled from an Athearn AC4400CW with
the GE Steerable Truck Sideframe. Below
is a list of other detail parts added. Prototype reference can be found from
Diesel Era Magazine Jan/Feb 2002 Vol. 13 Number 1.
New Square Angled-Top GPS Dome GP-321 From Details West.
DS-230 C44-9W, AC4400CW detail set for SP, CSX, CP & NS
DS-230 Detail Set contains the Following Parts:
Snow Plow (PL-233) Substituted PL-256 for CSX
"Salem" Air Dryer Filters With Mounts & Pipes (AF-237)
Bell (BE-238)
Rear Recessed Sandfiller Housing & Hatches (SF-241)
Brake-Vent Regulator Valve (BV-245)
Handbrake Chain Pulley Beam (PB-246)
Emergency Fuel Shut-off Switch Box (EF-247)
Traction Motor Cable set (TC-239)
Additional Parts Added:
MU-236 MU Cable With Double Ended Receptacles
DL-243 Ditch Lights With Platforms & Lenses
NB-249 "GE" Number Boards, Hi-Lo Mount
AH-251 Air Horn, K-5
FF-258 "GE" DASH 8, 9 & AC4400CW Fuel Fillers & Gauges
PB-259 Piping and Bracket Details For Right Side of DASH 8, 9 & AC4400CW
MU-266 MU Hose, 3 Cluster Set, All Roads
AH-267 Air Hose, Locomotive Trainline With Bracket
RW-270 GE DASH 9-44CW, AC4400CW Rear Radiator Walkway Plates, Access Hatches & Lifting Lugs
RA-274, 275 Radio Antenna, Small Sinclair and Large Sinclair
RA-277 Radio Antenna, "Wide-Cone" Type
*Decals from Microscale, etched steps and windshield wipers from A-line, stanchions from Smokey Valley, paint from Accupaint.
Canadian Pacific 9600 Class AC4400CW modeled from an Athearn AC4400CW with the GE Steerable Truck Sideframe. Below is a list of other detail parts added. Prototype reference can be found from Diesel Era Magazine Mar/April 1999 Vol. 10 Number 2.
DS-230 C44-9W, AC4400CW detail set for SP, CSX, CP & NS
DS-230 Detail Set contains the Following Parts:
Snow Plow (PL-233)
"Salem" Air Dryer Filters With Mounts & Pipes (AF-237) Substituted AF-308 Air Dryer Filter Cylinder/Box Style For Late Era Model GE & EMD Units.
Bell (BE-238)
Rear Recessed Sandfiller Housing & Hatches (SF-241)
Brake-Vent Regulator Valve (BV-245)
Handbrake Chain Pulley Beam (PB-246)
Emergency Fuel Shut-off Switch Box (EF-247)
Traction Motor Cable set (TC-239)
Additional Parts Added:
MU-236 MU Cable With Double Ended Receptacles
DL-243 Ditch Lights With Platforms & Lenses
NB-249 "GE" Number Boards, Hi-Lo Mount
AH-254 Air Horn, K-3
FF-258 "GE" DASH 8,9 & AC4400CW Fuel Fillers & Gauges
PB-259 Piping and Bracket Details For Right Side of DASH 8,9 & AC4400CW
MU-266 MU Hose, 3 Cluster Set, All Roads
AH-267 Air Hose, Locomotive Trainline With Bracket
RW-272 GE AC4400CW Rear Radiator Walkway Plates, Capacitor Starter Box and Access Hatches & Lifting Lugs
RA-274, 275 Radio Antenna, Small Sinclair and Large Sinclair
*Decals from Microscale, etched steps and windshield wipers from A-line, stanchions from Smokey Valley, paint from Floquil.
Rear Radiator Walkway
Plates and Access Hatches included in RW-270, DS-272 and DS-273.
Detailed Traction Motor Cable Mount, Rear Section.
(Included In the DS-230, 231 & 232 Detail Kit or separately TC-239).
Detailed Traction Motor Cable Mount, Middle
Detailed Piping Bracket from Set PB-259 before brass
wire added.
Detailed Piping Bracket shown for typical attachment
on GE DASH-9 and AC4400CW's. Ream the holes on the bracket with a #78 drill bit
before mounting.
GE Steerable Truck Sideframe Assembled
To enhance the truck swing on the Athearn AC4400CW
model, trim the back of the spring detail using a flat edge blade. Shown in
photo is after the trimming which would gain an additional 50% swing